Biomechanics in health and disease:
advanced physical tools for innovative early diagnosis
H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018 n. 812772

ESR16. Dominika Ciechańska

Short biographic note 

DOMINIKA PACEL 02_pp (small)

Since my early age I wanted to know "why?" and "how?". It was probably the seed that became a gentle beginning of my research career.

I am a young researcher from Poland. I was studying Biomedical Engineering (Bachelor) and Material Science (Master) at the Technical University of Lodz. I have recently defended my Master Thesis titled “Investigation of selected properties of MAX phases based coatings synthesized by ALD”, where I had a chance to work with materials in the nano scale.
During the studies I had also a chance to learn abroad by taking part in Erasmus+ exchange (University of Applied Sciences in Saarbrücken and Vienna University of Technology). Meanwhile, I got to know a lot about 3D modelling and 3D printing as a tool to prepare prosthetic sockets for amputees.

I am working as ESR16 by Prof. Hermann Schillers at the University of Münster






Project Title

Dynamics of cell mechanics in healthy and diseased cells


Start date

1st June 2021






Measuring mechanical dynamics of normal and diseased cells and tissue.

Expected results

Cells respond to repetitive and constant application of mechanical stress with periodic changes of their elasticity. We will develop protocols, instrumentation, sample preparation and analysis tools for measuring these mechanical dynamics (e.g. frequency and amplitude). Mechanical dynamics will allow differentiating between normal and diseased cells in a more complete and quantitative way. We wi ll apply this method to various cancer cells and tissue types in particular, emphasis on the cellular microenvironment (ECM, tissue, cytokines). ESR will participate in standardising procedures to prepare cells and tissues for shipping that preserves viability and mechanical properties during transport between nodes.

Planned secondments