Biomechanics in health and disease:
advanced physical tools for innovative early diagnosis
H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018 n. 812772

Training and Networking


Phys2BioMed final meeting and Symposium (17th-18th November 2022, Barcelona, Spain)

The final meeting of Phys2BioMed took place in IBEC in Barcelona, it was the occasion for both ESRs, PIs and Partner to conclude the project and discuss together. All the scientific community was invited to participate to the symposium "present and future of mechanics of cells and tissues in health and disease" both in person and online.


ESRs and PIs at the Hospital de Sant Pau during the social activity

AFMBioMed 2022 conference (29th August-2nd of September, Nagoya-Okazaki, Japan)

ESRs had the chance to participate, with oral presentation, to their 2nd international conference in Okazaki, Japan : AFM BioMed . The main topics of the conference were : Force, Imaging, Cellular & Tissues mechanics and Technology & Theory.

ESR7, Constança Caldeira Junior won the Young Investigator Award for her work on Mechanic Biomarkers of Pulmonary Fibrosis Assessed by AFM".


ESRs and PIs at the AFMBioMed conference

8th Progress Meeting and Workshop n°4 (29th June-1st July, Amsterdam, Netherlands)

All the consortium took part in the 8th Progress Meeting in Amsterdam, Netherlands. 

During the 4th Workshop, ESRs and also PIs learned about entrepreneurship in research organized by Optics11. 


7th Progress Meeting and Workshop n°2 and 3 (8th-13th May 2022, Gargnano, Italy)

The 7th Progress meeting took place in Gargnano, Italy, both in presence and online.

ESRs and PIs particpated in two workshops :

  • Proposal writting, grant scouting, commercial exploitation of results and IPR
  • Gender issues in research and ethical issues in handling animal /human tissues


13 of the 15 ESRs at Limone sul Garda, during the social activity


6th Progress Meeting and School n°3 (17th-21th January 2022, Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille, France)

The school on biomechanics and its realtion to disease as well as the 6th Progress Meeting took place both online and in presence in Lille, France.

During the school, ESRs had some practical training about : 

  • Micropatterning
  • Fluid AFM
  • Automatisation of AFM measurements

Followed with some talks from :

  • Alexandre Grassart (CIIL, Pasteur Institute Shanghai)
  • Sébastien Janel (CIIL, France)
  • Elisabeth Werkmeister (CIIL, France)
  • Victoria Sanz-Moreno (Bart center, London)
  • Marija Plodinec (University Hospital Basel, CEO Artidis TM, Switzerland)
  • Annalisa Calò (IBEC, Spain)
  • Mehmet Cagatay Tarhan (IEMN, France)
  • Shinji Watanabe (Kanazawa University, Japan)


ESRs during the fluid AFM presentation


ESRs during the micropatterning training


First Workshop, 5th Progress Meeting and follow up of School n°2 (6-12th September 2021, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany).

The workshop on communication, presentation and engagement skills, the 5th Progress Meeting and the follow up of the second School about nanomechanics took place in presence in Bremen, Germany.

During the Workshop, ESRs had some communication tasks including : 

  • Podcast
  • Blog writting
  • Video making 
  • Experiment for kids

All partners also went for a trip to Baltrum and North sea.

The 5th Progress Meeting took place both in presence and online for partners that couldn't join us. Advancement of the ESRs project, election of the new delegates, work package progess were discussed.


Picture of all the ESRs during the Workshop 1



Phys2BioMed ESRs and PIs walking under the sunset in the North Sea


4th Progress Meeting (20-21th April 2021,Online edition).

The 4th Progress Meeting was held online; ESRs and all partners discussed about the progress of their research.

The next Progress Meeting will hopefully take place in Bremen in presence !



Group picture of all the participants of the online 4th Progress Meeting.



3rd Progress Meeting ( 7-8th October 2020, Online edition).

All partners and ESRs met during the online edition of the 3rd Progress Meeting about the advancement of the project.

The contribution in every Work Package, the ongoing activities for each committees were discussed. The Progress Meeting was shortly followed by the elections of new ESRs delegates. 

Final screenshot

Group picture of all the participants of the online 3rd Progress Meeting.


Nanomechanics school  (11-13th March 2020, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany).

The second school of the project, as well as the 2nd Progress Meeting, was done by video conference due to the travel restrictions enforced after the nCovid.2019 outbreak in Europe.

The virtual school consisted in a presentation of commericals nano-indenters by Optic11, one of our partner, followed by online lectures by some Principal Investigators (PIs) of the project :

  • "Contact Mechanics" by Prof. Felix Rico (INSERM)
  • "Viscoelasticity" by Prof. Daniel Navajas (IBEC)
  • "Analysis of Thermal Data and Force Curves" by Prof. Manfred Radmacher (UB) and Hands-on examples using Python.


2nd Progress meeting and Mid-term check (9-10th March 2020, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany)

The 2nd Progress Meeting was done by video conference due to the travel restrictions enforced after the nCovid.2019 outbreak in Europe.

All partners and ESRs were present to discuss about the advancement of the project and the oncoming activities. Every ESRs had a chance to present his/her achievement within the Work Packages. 

Next Progress Meeting will be in Garda Lake, Italy in October 2020.



AFMBioMed summer school 2019 and 1st Phys2BioMed summer school  (21-25 October, Institut de Biologie Structurale, Grenoble, France).

The first school of the project took place in grenoble in the Institut de Biologie Structurale (IBS) during the 11th AFMBioMed Summer School. All the 15 recruited ESRs were present.


The School offered an introduction to Atomic Force Microscopy in Life Sciences and Medicine.Lectures were schedule in the morning and were complemented by practicals and demonstration in the afternoon on different type of AFM intruments.


The full program and details can be found on the website of the school : AFMBioMed Summer Schools.


Principal Invertigators of the project such as prof. Alessandro Podestà, Prof. Daniel Navajas, Prof. Malgorzata Lekka, Dr. Frank Lafont, Dr. Jean-Luc Pellequer, Prof. Manfred Radmacher and Prof. Felix Rico gave lectures and practical trainings.


Participants of the AFMBioMed Summer School and 1st ITN Phys2BioMed Summer School.

AFMBioMed 2019 conference  (2-6 September 2019, Munster, Germany).

The AFM BioMed conference was focusing on 4 main topics:

·         Data processing

·         Cellular mechanics

·         Single molecules and membranes

·         Biomedical applications

Besides attending the conference, it was the occasion for the ESRs to present themselves with a personal poster, describing their scientific background and future work and their objectives in the Phys2BioMed project. A project's poster was also presented.

Training on AFM was scheduled specifically for the ESRs.

The next AFMbioMed conference will be held in 2021.

IMG_6220_crPIs and ESRs during the AFMBioMed conference opening.


1st Progress Meeting (2 September 2019, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet, Munster, Germany).

It was the occasion for the ESRs to meet and to get to know each others. ESRs, Partners and PIs presented themselves.

Ongoing and near-future activities, as well as the future logo, were discussed and ESR's representatives were elected.

group_photoPIs and ESRs during the pre-meeting


Kick-Off Meeting (26-27 February 2019, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy).

Welcome to Milano


Welcome to Università degli Studi di Milano




The participants. From left to right: Wolfgang Goldmann (FAU), Antonia Samorè (UMIL, Project Manager), Kevin Bielawski (O11), Hermann Schillers (WWW), Arnaud Millet (CHUGR), Jean-Luc Pellequer (CEA), Frank Lafont (CNRS), Manfred Radmacher (UB), Ramon Farré (Uni Barcelona), Daniel Caudepon (IBEC, Project Manager), Malgorzata Lekka (IFJPAN), Alessandro Podestà (UMIL, Coordinator), Daniel Navajas (IBEC), Massimo Alfano (OSR), Felix Rico (INSERM), Carsten Schulte (UMIL).