Table of Contents

Standardization of mechanical measurements on cells and tissues

A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from the Phys2BioMed project (

The Consortium organized the MOOC around the common theme of the Action: the standardization of nanomechanical measurements of cells and tissues.


1) What is standardization (Jean-Luc Pellequer & Hermann Schillers) (video and PDF)


2) Instrument calibrations (Alessandro Podestà)
3) Contact models (Felix Rico) (video and PDF)
4) Viscoelasticity (Daniel Navajas) (video and PDF)
5) Sample preparation (Frank Lafont and Massimo Alfano)
6) Data processing (Nuria Gavara)
7) Data statistics (Manfred Radmacher)


8) Standardization of nanomechanics on cells (Malgorzata Lekka)

Additional documents

The following documents contain lectures and notes from previous training events of Phys2BioMed and other initiatives involving the Consortium members.

Lectures from Phys2BioMed schools (AFMBioMed Summer School 2019 in Grenoble and Lille 2021)

1) Basic principles of AFM (A. Podestà) (PDF)
2) Single molecule mechanics (F. Rico) (PDF)
3) Measuring mechanical properties of cells and tissues (A. Podestà) (PDF)
4) Cell and ECM microrheology (D. Navajas) (PDF)
5) Mechanics in disease (M. Radmacher) (PDF)
6) Hi-speed AFM (L. Redondo-Morta) (PDF)
7a) Correlative microscopy for mechanobiology (F. Lafont) (PDF)
7b) Correlative microscopy (S. Janel) (video)
8) AFM and structural biology (single molecule) (J-L. Pellequer) (PDF)
9) Biology at the tissue level (A. Millet) (PDF)
10) Cell and tissue mechanics (M. Lekka) (PDF)
11) Super resolution microscopy (E. Werkmeister) (video)

Tutorials from AFMBioMed Summer School 2020 (AFM for life sciences and nanomedicine)

videos on Zenodo

1) AFM Surface Coating (S. Fidan, C. Valotteau, F. Rico)
2) Tutorial for High-Speed AFM (HS-AFM) imaging (I. Casuso)
3) Mica sample substrate preparation for AFM (N. Buzhinsky)
4) Cell mechanics measurements in force mapping (L. Lacaria, F. Rico)
5) AFM calibration (F. Rico, J. Rodriguez-Ramos)

AFM recipes from previous COST Action TD1002 (AFM4NanoMed&Bio)

1) Hydrophobic substrates for adhesion of biocolloids (M. Papi) (PDF)
2) Custom adhesive-free colloidal probes (A. Podestà) (PDF)
3) Ozone cleaner DIY (Y. Delcuze and J.-L. Pellequer) (PDF)
4) Mild fixation of cells for AFM experiments (H. Oberleithner) (PDF)
5) Cleaning silicon and gold-coated substrates for SPM measurements (R. Panajotović) (PDF)
6) Creating an XY calibration sample for AFM using a DVD (B. Tiribilli) (PDF)